More Common Fitness Myths

Many people ask why the protocols we use with clients to get results aren’t common knowledge. The facts are out there if you know where to look. Unfortunately, evidence-based best practices are too often overshadowed by misinformation, quick fixes and myths.

Exercisers tend to mimic the skinny person, who copies the muscle guy, who saw something on Twitter or YouTube. Usually their recommendation is framed by, “Well, it works for me.” You get the picture.

Below we hope to shed a bit of light on a few popular fitness myth-directions.

Planking. Only recently has it become socially acceptable to question the effectiveness of planks without some form of public ridicule. For years, planks were held as the golden grail of core development — much like long treadmill runs or yoga did for weight loss (look at that — three myths, one stone).

Yes, planking holds a place in the exercise continuum but it simply isn’t the best overall developer of a strong, lean core. Having said that, don’t nix this pose from your routine until you’ve reviewed the following points:

1. Know your purpose. If your goal is to see rippling abs, take a look at your diet and energy expenditure. The hyper nine-year olds running around the pool deck with next to no body fat waste no time planking yet they sport rock-hard abs. They simply burn off all their calories before they have time to settle as fat.

2. Your core is designed to keep your torso upright when lifting or performing physical work. Compound movements such as squats and deadlifts are big core stabilizers. New exercisers often fatigue when executing these moves due to a weak core — not weak legs. No fear, you can slowly perform squatting or deadlift movements without even adding weight. Even carrying a heavy suitcase down the airport concourse will fire your core.

3. If you’re a beginner or not fond of gyms, feel free to plank. It’s still better than crunches for overall core development. Make sure your lower back doesn’t sag as it may cause pain. If you can hold a plank for more than a minute, time to move on to something more challenging.

60 minute fitness classes. Too often the fitness industry boxes classes into one-hour blocks of time. This is done out of convenience, not because it’s the best formula for producing evidence-based results.

The goal is participation. But the trap is trying to be all things to all people. The error is assuming time equates to value. In this case, more may not be better, especially if your goal is fat loss or muscle development.

As a spin instructor for many years, I fell into this category. I was clocking hours on the bike, often teaching back-to-back classes, and I can tell you from first-hand experience that it wasn’t the most efficient fat burner. Similar findings have been replicated in numerous studies.

Today I carry much less body fat by watching my diet and keeping rest intervals short when weight training. If I spin, I follow a series of four-minute Tabatas (short 20-second intervals with rests) totalling 20 minutes or less. Good news for people on a tight schedule. With a short time horizon, you can pedal harder, leading to an enhanced metabolic burn.

Long rhythm-based fitness classes can be motivating and fun but not necessarily the best fat burners. Also, the repetition or impact can be tough on joints and cause muscle imbalance.

All diets. What do you think of juicing? Protein? Fasting? Everyone knows that diets don’t work in the long run. But it’s the first place people turn when they want to lose a quick 20 pounds. Careful! Your body will punish you for this type of behaviour. Lose 20, gain 25, net five.

Time to change your mindset. Think of the North American lifestyle as inherently flawed. This is important as people tend to follow the pack — even when the pack is running off a cliff.

A reduction in highly processed food combined with physical activity may not be popular with the masses but it’s healthier and has staying power. Don’t wait for the concerned look on your doctor’s face to reinforce this message.

The best strategy is to start with a simple exercise program and by adding fresh vegetables to your diet. Notice I didn’t suggest eliminating your favourite munchies!

A dose of high-octane calories will energize your workouts. (Junk calories just make you sluggish.) More energy fuels better workouts. More productive workouts lead to improved results. Better results parlay into a healthier diet. Why? In addition to pumping your muscles you are training your brain. A stronger willpower equates to better impulse control.

Now start dumping the junk!

Butt Callisthenics. Gym studios are packed with exercisers fixated on their glutes. A big butt may be all the rage but stringing together “the top 10 bun shapers” from Glute magazine may not budge your bottom line. (For those counting, that was four terms used to identify your “rear end” … five.)

The problem with some calisthenic routines (a series of exercises usually performed without equipment) is their focus on variety versus intensity and overload. Sure, callisthenics gets you moving and will burn calories. But the routine may not move you any closer to that elusive Kardashian caboose. (Six.)

Simplify! Select one or two exercises and perform them to failure (with or without weights). Compound moves such as squats, deadlifts and lunges are great muscle builders but also big calorie burners and core developers. Triple whammy!

Conversely, if you are looking to minimize your butt-awks (as Forrest Gump would say … seven), a completely different recipe is in order that involves better nutrition and interval training such as HIITs or Tabatas.

In summary, choose weight training to enhance shape and size of your derrière (I stopped counting) and proper nutrition with intervals to reduce fat.

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